Address and Deadline for Submission of Abstract
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 October 2023. Submissions received after this date and delays in the mail will not be taken into consideration. Manuscripts need to be mailed directly to applications made to other addresses will not be taken into consideration.
- Papers will be in the form of oral and poster presentations.
- The time allocated to each speaker for oral presentations is 15 minutes, including questions.
- The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the “Conference Scientific Committee” and it will be decided whether the paper will be an oral or a poster presentation.
- The authors of the papers that do not meet the purpose of the conference and are not approved by the scientific committee will be informed in writing.
- The time allocated to each speaker for oral online presentations is 15 minutes.
- The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the “Conference Scientific Committee” and it will be decided whether the paper will be an oral presentation.
- The authors of the papers that do not meet the purpose of the conference and are not approved by the scientific committee will be informed in writing.
- The presentations of the accepted abstracts should be send to as an HD video exactly 15 minutes long using file sharing website. At least one week before Conference hence 3rd November 2023 is the deadline.
- We expected for the presenters to be present during their presentation to answer some questions but we also understand that this can not always be the case.
Abstracts should be prepared by paying attention to the following points.
- Abstracts should be written in Microsoft Word (7.0 and above) in Times New Roman, single-spaced, 12 font size should be used in the title, author names and other sections should be 10 points. There should be 4 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right, 2.5 cm from the top and 2 cm from the bottom of the pages. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.
- The first letters of the title should be written in capital letters, the names of the authors should be written without a title, leaving 1 line space. Author addresses should be given as footnotes automatically. The name of the researcher who will present the paper should be underlined.
- Abstracts should be sent to by e-mail. Electronic documents should be sent by registering as surname and subject title abbreviation.
- Researchers who will make oral presentations should arrange their presentations in 16×9 (widescreen) format.
- For template please click.
Poster presentations should be prepared in the following dimensions:
Orientation: VERTICAL
Size: 70x100cm
Paper Weight: 200 gr (Recommended)
Please note that posters will be taped and the appropriate paper weight must be selected. Necessary materials for taping will be obtained from the registration desk.
Recommended Templates
Template Presentation
Template Poster
All the accepted abstracts (oral/poster) will be published as “IPRG abstract book” with ISBN number. Full papers for IPRG proceedings book should be sent conference e-mail as Word document before 15/10/2023. Template for full papers (please click).
* By sending your presentation to the following e-mail address, you accept that it will be used in presentations and sessions during the conference and also published in the digital congress book to be published after the conference.